
Showing posts with the label Culture

Art Insights — The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Pieter Bruegel The Elder

Monika Limane. The first professional Latgalian female ceramist

Hemingway's favorite painting - Into The Farm by Joan Miró

The lazy art. How Marcel Duchamp converted ordinary objects into multi-million pieces for sale

The Ascent (1977) — Soviet interpretation of Jesus Christ by Larisa Shepitko

The best movie about Fyodor Dostoevsky — Twenty-Six Days From The Life Of Dostoevsky (1980)

Exploring the folklife of South Moravia through the paintings of Joža Uprka

Analyzing artworks - Lake Rāzna by Francisks Varslavāns

5 most commonly used symbols in the paintings of Vincent van Gogh

Analyzing artworks - In Exile To Siberia by Witold Pruszkowski

The favorite painter of Leo Tolstoy - Nikolay Ge

Petrus van Schendel. The master of nighttime scenes